Pawn jewelry with a trusted shop
Thinking you might want to pawn jewelry to raise ready cash, but not sure how to go about it? One of the most important things is that you should feel comfortable when you are pawning. Our pawn shop, on a main shopping street in Englewood NJ, is part of our traditional jewelry store. As such, it’s well-lit, secure and discreet. We have been at this location for over 10 years, and in the pawn business for 23 years.

The second thing to consider when you’re looking to pawn jewelry is whether the shop you are considering specializes. Some pawn brokers take everything – from toasters to guitars. Palisade Jewelers is a jewelry pawn shop. We only trade in fine jewelry and watches. Why should that matter to you? Because it makes a difference in the value we can offer you.
How much is style worth?
As a jewelry pawn shop we know more than just the physical value of your jewelry – meaning its weight in gold, silver, or other precious metal, diamond, or gemstone. We know the jewelry trends, the popular brands, and the desirable items. And because we actively buy and sell with collectors, we’re always looking for the pieces they want. That means we can offer higher value for your valuable jewelry, because we know the market.
The third consideration is whether the jewelry pawn shop has a good reputation. We are proud to be known as a high-value pawn loan broker. We lend a minimum of $500. As the value of a jewelry pawn is customarily about one-fourth the original retail price of the item, that means the jewelry is all excellent quality.
What jewelry should you pawn?
What kind of jewelry makes a good pawn item? Gold, silver and diamonds have an intrinsic value, so the higher the quality of the precious metals or gemstones in the piece, the higher value the loan can be. If you can pawn name brand jewelry such as Tiffany, Cartier or Van Cleef you can expect a high pawn value because of its well-known name. Rare or old pieces may be harder to evaluate, as these items tend to be a specialty market. Victorian or Beaux-Art pieces have a market, but it is subject to changes in popularity, and not found all over the country. You might call a jewelry pawn shop before bringing your piece in to ask if they specialize in the particular type of jewelry you want to pawn. If they are not familiar with the designer, keep looking until you find a pawn shop that is. It will make all the difference in how much you can borrow against your jewelry.

Consider purchasing jewelry from a pawn shop
Are you looking for a piece of jewelry to purchase? Pawn shop jewelry from a reputable dealer is a great bargain. All jewelry loses some of its initial value after the first retail sale, when it is at its highest. This is because the cost of advertising and other overhead are included in the initial price. The jewelry in a pawn shop has already been adjusted for its post-retail value. That means the price is usually much lower than a new piece.
Whether you want to pawn jewelry or purchase at a pawn shop, a reputable dealer is a source of great information. We encourage you to stop by Palisade Jewelers and bring the jewelry you’re curious about. Even if you’re not ready to pawn, it’s nice to know what you could get for it should the need arise.

“My experience buying a pre-owned Rolex from Palisade Jewelers was perfect. I did the transaction by phone. The watch arrived, exactly as described; they gave me good, attentive service.”
- Richard
Visit our store for a personal consultation with our watch and jewelry experts.